Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Essay on The Invention of the Cell Phone - 1006 Words

In society today it is very rare to find someone who does not own a cell phone. There are ten year old children running around with iPhones. Cell phones have become such an important part of society. They have come along way with the advancements made in technology to allow these phones to do more than you would think possible. We now not only use them to contact people, but use them for social media, to take pictures, surf the web, and get information at the touch of our fingers. It is crazy to think that at one point there were no cell phones. Without the use of chemistry we would not have the cell phones that we use today. Chemistry is defined by the Holt Modern Chemistry textbook as the scientific study of the composition, structure,†¦show more content†¦Before we would have just had to wait until we got home to look up who that famous actor is that we were trying to name earlier. Before the cell phone if you were driving and got lost you would pull into the nearest gas station and ask for directions. Now with our smart phone you can pull up a map from your phone and get step by step directions to where you need to go. Before cell phones the world had a little more intimacy and privacy. People sent thoughtful handwritten letters and now we just shoot people an email. Cell phones have also reduced the amount of privacy we have. Now everything we do goes up online or on social media. As before things were more secretive and low key. With having internet on our phones everyone can figure out anything about anybody. Natural resources do not limit the the production of cell phones. If anything it helps manufacturers produce the cell phones. Most cell phones have large amounts of natural resources. They are used for a variety of parts. Crude oil is combined with natural gas also combined with chemicals to make plastic that is used in cell phones. Other natural resources include lead, zinc, beryllium, tantalum, coltan, gold, copper and other metals that are used to make the circuit board. Without these resources the cell phone would be missing many crucial parts and would not run properly. We have never had a massiveShow MoreRelatedThe Invention Of The Cell Phone Essay1804 Words   |  8 PagesInvention of the cell phone is one of the most significant technological advancements in recent times. The wide use of this type of technology has demonstrated an enormous impact across many aspects of today’s life including socially, physically, and emotionally. While, some of these things have cont ributed to life of humankind in a positive manner; however, others still have had a negative impact on life. In both developed and developing countries, cell phones are the main source of communicationRead MoreLiterature Review : Cell Phone And The Invention Of Cellular Phone1221 Words   |  5 Pages Literature Review Since the 20th century, the development of technologies is unprecedented, and the invention of cellular phone must be the most important. Literally speaking, cellular phone totally changed the way we communicate and live nowadays. However, the biggest promotion between phone and smart phone must be application. With the various kinds of application’s launch, cell phone is no longer just as the communicate tools for people, it plays so many roles in our daily life, and becauseRead MoreTechnology: The Invention of The Cell Phone Essay1431 Words   |  6 Pagesto communicate with family and friends with one simple device, the cell phone. A cellular phone is the most common type of technology used by all groups of people including parents, teenagers, and even young children. 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Finding these problems is what makes technology interesting.   Cell phone has changed peoples life style.  The  history of cell phone has been developed from time to time since the first invention of handheldRead MoreThe Telephone: Then and Now1221 Words   |  5 PagesEvans The Telephone: Then and Now HUMN 303: Introduction to the Humanities Instructor E. Elliott February 11, 2011 The Telephone: Then and Now The telephone was one of the greatest American inventions. Developed in the 1800’s by Alexander Graham Bell, it quickly became one of the most used inventions in the world. The telephone had many impacts on society and the way we communicated and still plays a huge role in the world we live today. The telephone has developed from something that was notRead MoreCell Phone Addiction in Ncba College Student1123 Words   |  5 PagesCELL PHONE ADDICTION IN NCBA COLLEGE STUDENT A Research Paper Presented to Prof. Zenaida T. Miranda National College of Business and Arts Fairview, Quezon City In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for English 2 ( 9:30-10:30 MWF ) 2nd Semester 2007-2008 By: ________________________ Linn Dantlhee E. Estopace B.S.Accountancy March 7, 2008 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Cell phones in the country have not only broadened communications and introduced new and faster lifestylesRead MoreCell Phones : Good And Bad891 Words   |  4 PagesCell phones could be both good and bad. Some people say that cell phones are dangerous. While, other people would argue that cell phones are a great invention. With every invention comes positives and negatives. Some of the advantages that cell phones provide is that testing is a fast and easy way of communication, texting and have social media all on your phone can always keep you updated and social with your friends, and people always have all of their personal information at one touch and carriesRead MoreNow is the Perfect Time to Invest in a Phone667 Words   |  3 PagesTaking a step towards the future initiates with the invention of many man-made godly technological advancements, among which are methods to keep everyone connected to each other at all time. Confirming the safety of the user, new an elegant prod ucts can be found at every turn of the road. Communication plays an important role in every humans life. Communication have concurred over visual effects, social media, and personalizing information. Communication is connection that links the sender to the

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Essay Final Exam Questions - 740 Words

History 1302 Final Exam Spring 2013 On the day of the final, the students will be told which two prompts they will be required to respond to in blue books that the students have provided to the instructor. Essays should show a great deal of thought and range between â€Å"short answers† and formal essays, leaning closer to the idea of an essay. The student may have one page of handwritten notes on a standard size sheet of paper (8 ½ X 11). Bring this sheet with you to the final. 1) The events at the 1968 Democratic national Convention in Chicago suggested to many that the nation was disintegrating. But, as the authors of the textbook have noted, the tensions that seemed so palpable that summer had been long in developing and had â€Å"revealed deep†¦show more content†¦In what ways did the medium of television news shape U.S. public opinion from 1945 to 2000? In what ways did various groups use the news to advance their causes? Did television news dictate America’s foreign and domestic policy? Ultimately, was the power of the television news a positive or a negative force in American history? 6) Why did the American nation become embroiled in Viet Nam? Was it following the same impulse that led the United States into the forefront in Korea, or was it something different? Did we commit to the engagement with certainty, or was it something that we backed into reluctantly, but had no real choice? 7) Many of the â€Å"Great Society† programs of LBJ are still part of the American fabric today. Discuss four programs from the â€Å"Great Society† that still benefit America today. How â€Å"progressive† were these programs? Were they radical in their nature, or long overdue? 8) FDR had hoped that the wartime alliance between the United States and the Soviet Union would continue in the postwar world. Yet the two nations s oon became locked in a global conflictShow MoreRelatedQuestions On The Final Exam2872 Words   |  12 PagesOmar Alharthi Prof. Hagstrom LING 408 12.7.2014 Final Exam Part 1 Discuss briefly any four of the following topics (about 100-300 words each). Provide examples to illustrate your discussion. a. Aspect: Aspect grammatical category of verbs denotes the flow of time related to the event they express. Unlike tense that is semantically rather related to the event in time, aspect is about time moving through the event (Riemer 314). The difference between, for example, â€Å"I walked† and â€Å"I was walking† isRead MoreFinal Exam Essay : Questions1808 Words   |  8 PagesSergio Leal Political Science 2301 26 June 2016 Final Exam Essay (Topic 1) Within this class’s short amount of time, I have learned a great amount in what our government is as whole and what specific roles it has on our society. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Psychology of Body Language Free Essays

Navarro, Joe. (2008, January 1). Fast forces of attraction. We will write a custom essay sample on Psychology of Body Language or any similar topic only for you Order Now Retrieved from http://www. psychologytoday. com/articles/200712/fast-forces-attraction | â€Å"Pitch correlates only loosely with height, but is closely tied to hormone levels—meaning it’s a good indicator of fertility or dominance, as well as health and attractiveness. â€Å"In general, people with attractive voices have attractive faces,† says David Feinberg, a psychologist at McMaster University. † (pg. )| This is interesting because well one the use of the word correlation in this statement made me think of the correlation research method. Did they do actual research? And then I continued to where David Feinberg made his statement, and I believe this is untrue because again each person’s perception is different, I then continued to think of the saying â€Å"you have a face for radio† it just seemed contradictory. | | | â€Å"Accents affect our perceptions, as do speed and pitch. We judge fast talkers to be more educated, and those with varied inflection to be more interesting. Men prefer higher voices in women, and women like deeper voices in men (especially when ovulating or looking for a short-term relationship)†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (pg. 1)| When the word â€Å"perception† came about I immediately thought of the Cognitive Prospective. | †¦Ã¢â‚¬ That’s why our brains have set us up to draw instantaneous inferences from tiny nuances of behavior, what psychologists call â€Å"thin slices† of judgment. We form first impressions of another’s attractiveness in a tenth of a second, generating a symphonic burst of desire in which everything from voice to wit plays a part†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ( pg. ). | This section made me think that they used the Biological Prospective to explain the reasoning and help make it easier to see. | â€Å"People like people whom others find attractive. You might be inclined to think it’s because socializing with (or sleeping with) the It girl enhances your own status in the crowd. † (pg. 2)| Right he re is a great example of the Socio-cultural Prospective. It’s all about where you stand in our society today, and by this statement it is easy to see because it is very true. Its seems most evident in college students, seeing it firsthand. | â€Å"Most of us are drawn to those who hail from our own side of the tracks, and men and women are marrying within their social class much more than ever. † (pg. 2)| Again a perfect example of Sociocultural Prospective. | â€Å"†¦But ask 5,000 people and clear patterns emerge. Some traits have universal sex appeal because they’re markers of good genes, health, and fertility: a fit body, clear skin, a symmetrical face with average-sized and -shaped features, and traits that mark sex hormones†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (pg. )| Now this section exemplifies the Evolutionary Prospective because people, even unknowingly, look for these traits because they want they’re offspring to be the strongest the fittest, which made me think of Darwinism. ‘The strong will survive. † The stronger, healthier, smarter, and most attractive evolve, the stay alive and most importantly pass their genes on. | Summary : this article was quite interesting, it talked about all aspects of attraction and explained from various prospectives of psychology. It talked about physical attributes such as looks, voice, health ect, to the mental part of attraction. | | How to cite Psychology of Body Language, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Math Studies Ia free essay sample

What is the Relationship between Points per Game Scored and the Height of the Players in the NBA? Introduction: The NBA is one of the United States’ favorite sports leagues, with each team averaging 100 million dollars of income each year before expenses. Quite a bit of money is spent gambling, funding, and keep the public entertained with this sport. To keep this system working, and to get a fair share, all the coaches must attempt to keep their team on par with the others if not above their competitors. Knowing this, having any type of advantage could be quite profitable for a team. If there was a known way to give your team an advantage it would be utilized and be quite profitable. Height happens to be a physical characteristic that may play in role in having an advantage. If being taller does in fact give a player an advantage, then why not just hire the tallest players you can in order to get the biggest advantage? I chose this topic help determine whether or not this is a viable strategy for coaches. Although I would like to determine this and wish it to be true, I hypothesize that the points per game scored of the player will not drastically, if at all, depend of their player’s heights due to a multitude of other factors including, but not limited to, skill, practice, position, teams, plays, penalties, and the list goes on! Task: The main purpose of this investigation is to determine whether or not there is a relationship between the height of the players in the NBA and the amount of points they will score on average per game. The type of data that will be collected is the height of the players and their points per game on average for the most recent (complete) season. The points per game are used to determine how well the player performs (on average), and the height to determine the possible physical advantage that players can have over each other. The data was used to break down the average points per game scored for the heights of 64 different players and comparing them to see how it bodes. Plan of Investigation: I am investigating the relationship of points per game scored and height of players in the NBA. I have collected the data on the heights and points per game scored of 64 different players in the NBA from the previous season using the NBA’s official online database. With the collection of data that I have acquired I will use a number of mathematical processes to analyze the data: a calculation of the least squares regression line displayed in a scatter plot to visualize the relationship, and an r-correlation coefficient test to see the relationship’s strength and direction. Lastly, an X^2 test will be performed on the data to prove or disprove my null hypothesis. Following this, I will check my validity of the testing, and come to an ultimate conclusion as to whether or not I can back up my hypothesis or negate it. Discussion/Validity Limitations Throughout the investigation of the relationship between the points per game scored and the height of the players in the NBA, various limitations may have affected the outcome of the results. One limitation of the data collected could be that it reflects a random grouping of players from the mid-Atlantic region teams (Boston Celtics, Brooklyn Nets, Philadelphia 76ers, New York Knicks, and Toronto Raptors). Players from different regions/teams could cause a difference. Another limitation is that I did not include players with an average PPG below 2. These players were not included because they were all point guards whose goal, rather than to score points, is to prevent the other team from scoring. Another limitation is that not all players play the same position. The goals of different positions vary from scoring, defending, passing and many others. There are point guards, shooting guards, small forwards, power forwards, and centers. Not to mention that strategies involving these positions have specific players take shots rather than everyone attempting to. Adding on that, there might be a limitation to the amount of data that was collected. Only having collected 64 pieces it would have been better to collect all players from the NBA to better reflect the full span of players. Lastly, one reason for a lower PPG is the coach’s decisions or being suspended. Benching a player (sitting them out) would cause them less game time for the season and thus reduce their average. Conclusion In spite of the aforementioned limitations, the project was done according to plan and it was found that the chi squared calculation value of 0. 242226345, which is less than the chi squared critical value of 3. 841, thus accepts the null hypothesis that points scored are independent values to their players height. By analyzing this categorical data it helps disprove that if you expect points to be higher with height you will be wrong. Furthermore, the investigation clearly shows that there is almost no correlation between points scored and height by looking at the r-correlation coefficient. The r-correlation coefficient comes out to be -0. 048247472 which is so minimal that it basically states (in layman’s terms) that there is correlation between the PPG and the height at all. This is even visualized with the graph that barely moves from the midline! Using this data we can determine it is essentially impossible to determine someone’s estimated PPG just by having their height. Bibliography MLA Formatted Citations * NBA. com, Official Site of the National Basketball Association. Â  Players. N. p. , n. d. Web. 5 Nov. 2012. lt;http://www. nba. com/players/gt;. * Players. Â  Players in the NBA. N. p. , n. d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. lt;http://espn. go. com/nba/playersgt;. * Boston Celctics Roster 2012Â  Players in the NBA. N. p. , n. d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. lt;http://espn. go. com/nba/team/roster/_/name/bos/boston-celticsgt;. * Brooklyn Nets Roster 2012Â  Players in the NBA. N. p. , n. d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. lt;http://espn. go. com/nba/team/roster/_/name/bkn/brookly n-netsgt;. * Toronto Raptors Roster 2012Â  Players in the NBA. N. p. , n. d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. lt;http://espn. go. com/nba/team/roster/_/name/bkn/tornto-raptorsgt;. * New York Knicks Roster 2012Â  Players in the NBA. N. p. , n. d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. lt;http://espn. go. com/nba/team/roster/_/name/bkn/new-york-knicksgt;. * Philadelphia 76’ers Roster 2012Â  Players in the NBA. N. p. , n. d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. lt;http://espn. go. com/nba/team/roster/_/name/bkn/philly-76ersgt;. * Players. Â  NBA. N. p. , n. d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. lt;http://sports. yahoo. com/nba/playersgt;.